Before installing any energy saving system, it is important that you follow these steps that we recommend, to begin to have a better performance of your electrical systems.

FIRST: Become LED. The best and most efficient way to illuminate buildings, residences and gardens. Everywhere the LED can be applied. Eliminate all inefficient equipment. Ask us and we will advise you.

SECOND: Install solar panels.

THIRD: Check your electrical installation in general, you must comply with the NEC (Electrical Code of Costa Rica). That not only makes it safe, but it helps you save indirectly.

FOURTH: Automate your systems.

FIVE: Enjoy an efficient and energy saving system. Caring for the planet and your pocket.

Do you want to quote your Solar System?

Enter our website and fill out our Solar Quotation Request Form.

To see all our services, enter here.


It is when the lighting system is modernized, implementing the use of LED technology.

What is LED?

Its acronym is stipulated by “Light Emitting Diode”

It is a solid semi-conductive body of great resistance, which receives a very low intensity electric current, emits light efficiently and with high performance.


The existing structure will be used to the maximum, modifying it slightly.

What you need to know,  LED is equivalent to:








The Supreme Electoral Court has already converted to LED. The institution was committed to the environment, and in search of energy savings and de-carbonize our planet,   implemented major changes, such as the conversion to LED and the use of photovoltaic energy as part of it.

What are you waiting for?

On this occasion we bring you a Real Case of Savings with Solar Panels in Costa Rica.  In Electrocaribe S & C  opted for Solar Energy as your ally.

Installation of a Savings System with Solar Panels:
  • For the correct installation of a Solar Energy System it is necessary to have specialists like us.
  • You will be guided throughout the system installation process.
  • Support during the process of legal procedures that involve the installation of your Solar Energy System.
  • A previous study will be carried out to know the electricity consumption needs of the users of the store.
  • In the case of Electrocaribe S&C, 48 Solar Panels, 24 micro-inverters and 1 inverter were installed.

Savings: Monthly Electric Billing

Before: ₡ 320,500 per month

After: ₡ 94,000 per month

Savings: ₡ 226,500 per month

The significant Electric Savings resulted in going from an Electric Billing of three hundred twenty thousand five hundred colones to ninety four thousand colones per month. Generating a savings of TWO HUNDRED TWENTY THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED colones.

The detail of savings can be seen better in the attached image.

Savings Information

Do you want to quote your Solar System?

Enter our website and fill out our Solar Quotation Request Form.

To see all our services, enter here.

On this occasion we bring you a Real Savings Case with Solar Panels in Costa Rica.  The Guapileño sports complex opted for Solar Energy as its ally.

Installation of a Savings System with Solar Panels:
  • For the correct installation of a Solar Energy System it is necessary to have specialists like us.
  • You will be guided throughout the system installation process.
  • Support during the process of legal procedures that involve the installation of your Solar Energy System.
  • A previous study will be carried out to know the electricity consumption needs of the users of the store.
  • In the case of the Sports Complex, 114 Solar Panels and 6 investors were installed.

Savings: Monthly Electric Billing

Before: ₡ 665,578 per month

After: ₡ 267,458 per month

Savings: ₡ 398,120 per month

The significant Electric Savings resulted in going from an Electric Billing of six hundred sixty-five thousand five hundred seventy-eight to two hundred sixty-one thousand four hundred fifty-eight colones per month. Generating a saving of THIRTY NINETY AND EIGHT THOUSAND ONE HUNDRED TWENTY colones.

The detail of the Electric Saving can be seen better in the attached image.

This means for Costa Rica a significant annual saving of carbon dioxide.

Savings Information

Do you want to quote your Solar System?

Enter our website and fill out our Solar Quotation Request Form.

To see all our services, enter here.

Solar Panels need very little maintenance. These are the cares and recommendations that Seléctrica suggests you follow to keep them in optimal conditions:


Photovoltaic Modules (Solar Panels)
  • Clean the modules with water. Only the top.
  • If it becomes necessary to use more than water, you can apply a mild detergent. DO NOT use strong and abrasive detergents.
  • It is possible to use a windshield wiper to facilitate cleaning. Again, do not use fabrics that can cause some kind of damage to the panels.
  • Clean the panels early or late, when the panels are cold and do not suffer a thermal shock.
  • You can end up drying with a soft cloth or with the windshield wiper.

Solar Panel and Cleaning


  • Avoid shadows: The growth of trees and other vegetation that can produce shadows on solar panels. This can lower their performance.
  • Consulting with experts on the solar issue: When you decide to install your solar generation system, look for people trained in the subject; To guarantee a good installation. In this way they will make a proper study of your particular case and will have professionals at your side who can always advise you in the future, if necessary.


The weather and how the Solar Panels look will be a key indicator to know. The frequency can be between 1 or 2 times a year, but it will always depend on the conditions they face, depending on the area of the country where the installation is located.

Solar Panel and Cleaning

In the image you can see an example of when a panel needs to be cleaned

If you want to read more advantages over the use of Solar Panels in Costa Rica: enter here

Do you want to quote your Solar System?

Enter our website and fill out our Solar Quotation Request Form.

To see all our services, enter here.

In a very global way we have 3 main technologies:

1. Chain Investors
2. Microinverters
3. Optimizers.

The effect that causes a shadow in a solar system behaves very negatively and differently in each technology. A typical mistake that is often thought of is that if there is a shadow obstructing part of the solar panel, the panel will still generate energy equivalent to its other area that is still exposed to the sun.

Typically the solar panel cells are in series inside the module, so it is enough to obstruct a small part of the module so that it drops sharply.

In a case where there is a shadow impacting a single module with a Chain System, the effect of this shadow will act as a bottleneck not only in the shadow module but also in the entire row (chain) of modules connected in series connected to this module. So in these types of systems, a shadow and site analysis should be performed to avoid significant losses due to these factors.

This same case, but with technology of Micro-inverters and Optimizers, the shadow effect always impacts but on a smaller scale. Since these devices optimize energy in a modular way; that is, for each module and NOT for each chain: a shadow that hits a panel will affect only the shadow panel and not the entire group.

“Similarly, you must be cautious when deciding where to place the modules, always trying to avoid important shadows.”

However, if there are shadows that we cannot avoid at any specific time of day, we can rest assured that the losses will not be as abrupt as with other types of technologies. These systems are often used when we have obstacles that cause shade and that we cannot avoid one hundred percent. For example: Fireplaces, antennas, nearby buildings of greater height, among others. However, it should be rescued that they are more expensive technologies.

In general terms, shadows should be avoided at all costs. Well, having solar modules so that they produce less than expected is a failure directly in the generation of projected energy annually.

Other important points to consider:

  • It has been frequently seen that modules are placed near high-rise trees. Not only the shade of the same tree will be a problem but also the leaves that will fall and cover the modules causing more frequent maintenance.
  • The position of the sun with respect to the installation site throughout the year plays an important role in the subject of shadows since the sun varies its angle of inclination of both East – West and North – South causing the shadows to move during the Day-to-day course of the whole year.

“Let us always make good decisions when installing solar panels. It is not just about filling the roof of a building (without taking the precautions of the case).”

By: Engineer Luis Carlos Salas Platero

Request your solar quote here

 What characterizes the LED? 

Remembering the last post we made about this technology (LED), we learned that “upon receiving a very low intensity electric current, it emits light efficiently and with high performance.”

So it has wide advantages over the old technologies.

In the following image you can see the three most common types that we find in stores. 

Types of technologies

From Left to Right: Incandescent, Fluorescent and LED

Commonly, we find “fluorescent” bulbs everywhere. They are an old technology cheap and easy to find. The “incandescent are even older and are those yellow light bulbs. On the other hand, in the case of LED, the price of each bulb is usually higher than that of an incandescent and / or fluorescent one. But the advantages are indisputable. 

Its best known advantage is the saving capacity that means the use of LED to any other technology. But;

How much do you save?

Light bulbs can mean savings of up to 80% on your light consumption. How? There are bulbs with the same lighting capacity of up to eight times lower wattage than a current bulb. If we add to this the fact that LED technology has, by far, a better guarantee of performance and life; The advantages are indisputable. A light bulb of this type can last up to 5 years without having to be changed.

For example:

Light bulbs with the same lighting capacity:

  • Lumens: 500  
  • Incandescent bulb: 60 W
  • LED bulb: 6-7 W

That is why we constantly recommend you to convert to LED technology. It is one of the key steps that are part of our list of recommendations for Energy Saving and Energy Efficiency.

For more information about our services enter here

We love to share success stories. A client that we had months ago was the Coffee Institute of Costa Rica (ICAFE), which opted to generate savings with solar panels.  

Monthly consumption chart

Monthly Consumption Chart

In the column on the left, we can see the monthly average electric bill that the institution had in its headquarters before installing solar panels. In the column on the right we can see the current panorama, where the panels have already begun to generate energy, so that the electric bill of this last month reached only one hundred three thousand one hundred seventy-three colones. Contrary to the seven hundred twenty thousand forty-five colones that were paid before. Generating a monthly electricity savings of six hundred sixteen thousand eight hundred seventy-two colones.

A distributed generation system was installed, that is to say “connected to the network” .  With a total of 151 solar panels and the use of inverter technology. 

The system will generate a mitigation (non-emission) of 3.54 tons of carbon dioxide (Co2) annually. 

To fill out the solar quote application form enter here.

We present project progress in the area of Escazú. White Rabbit Socks beton the use of clean energies, installing 139 panels for a power of 51.43 kWp. 

To fill out the solar quote application form enter here.

This week we delivered a Distributed Generation project. The use of Solar Panels is gradually recognizing as a method by which they can bet Costa Rican businesses that want to save energy to the planet and in passing, help the pocket. In this case the use of clean energy will improve the conditions of Distribuidora Gonzalez.

Distribuidora Gonzalez is located in Guápiles and is a business that stands out for the variety of products it distributes in the area.

Gonzalez Distributor, Guápiles, Costa Rica

Project Details:

24 370W solar panels for a total of 8.88 kWp

To fill out the solar quote application form enter here.