On this occasion we bring you a Real Savings Case with Solar Panels in Costa Rica.  A Guapileña home chose Solar Energy as its ally.

Installation of a Savings System with Solar Panels:

  1. For the correct installation of a Solar Energy System it is necessary to have specialists like us.
  2. You will be guided throughout the system installation process.
  3. Support during the process of legal procedures that involve the installation of your Solar Energy System.
  4. A previous study will be carried out to know the electricity consumption needs of the users of the store.
  5. In the case of housing, 21 Solar Panels and 21 micro-inverters were installed.

Savings: Monthly Electric Billing

Before: ₡ 111,091 per month

After: ₡ 24,356 per month

Saving: ₡ 84,735 per month

The significant Electric Savings resulted in going from an Electric Billing of one hundred eleven thousand colones to twenty four thousand colones per month. Generating savings of eighty-four thousand colones.

This means for Costa Rica, an annual saving of half a ton of carbon dioxide.

The detail of savings can be seen better in the attached graphic.


Do you want to quote your Solar System?

Enter our website and fill out our Solar Quotation Request Form.

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